Wednesday, May 20, 2009

From our district deputy: thanks Alex

Please distribute.

Also Peter has asked if you are attending the convention/going to Mass, please bring your regalia with you. We have plenty of rooms to change clothes, including the Chapter hospitality room.
Cruz R. Hinojosa, Jr. PFN
Diocesan Deputy/Chapter President
for the Knights of Columbus
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Each year the Bishop Greco, Msgr. Anton Frank, and Msgr. Wilhelm Assemblies alternate hosting the Annual Memorial Day Mass at Forest Park Lawndale and the tradition is to invite the District Sir Knights from area assemblies to participate in full regalia at the Mass and following the Mass presentation of a wreath at the graveside of a deceased Catholic veteran in the cemetery. The Msgr. George A. Wilhelm Assembly is this year's host and we would appreciate you communicating this invitation to the area Faithful Navigators at the appropriate time..

Details are as follows:

Occasion: Annual Memorial Day Mass

Location: Forest Park Lawndale Chapel
6900 Lawndale, Houston, Texas

Date: Monday, May 25, 2009

Time: Line up 8:30 am, Mass 9:00 am

Celebrant: Father Jack Whitley

Following the services there will be a brunch courtesy of the Msgr. Wilhelm Assembly at Knights of Columbus Council 3077 Hall, 420 Telephone Road.

Thank you for taking care of this for our assembly.

James Urbanovsky

From Hector: thanks....

The K of C Coushatta Casino trip is on Saturday, June 6th (meet at Church at 6:30 AM , return by 5:30PM). I still have 10 seats available, if anyone is interested. Let me know as soon as possible, we would like to have a full bus.
For those of you signed up and have not yet paid, I would like to collect the monies at this Thursday's meeting if possible.