Friday, June 19, 2009

A fathers day wish to all fathers

first let us give thanks and praise to Our Father who Art in Heaven!
2nd let us give thanks and praise to His son, Our saviour Jesus Christ !

Happy father's day to all...Bill Burling

Sunday, June 14, 2009

For our Dear brother In Christ

We Pray for our dear brother in Christ Keith Dailey, for the repose of his soul, we pray that our Father in Heaven will receive him.. His devotion kindness and gentle nature is to be admired by all.. we will miss his wit , most of all brothers we will miss him... God bless you Keith....

Bill Burling
Brother Knights,
It comes with deep sadness to report that our Brother Knight Keith Dailey passed away yesterday evening.
The arrangements are as follows:
Wednesday 6/17 , Viewing at St. Dominic Church - 1-3PM , Rosary at 3:30 PM and Funeral Mass immediately following the Rosary.
Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers and continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Brother Keith.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Don't forget this sunday June 7th is council elections.... See you there.

June 2009 newsletter

Knights of Columbus
St. Dominic Council # 10779 June2009

COUNCIL OFFICERS : Greg Jaramillo Grand Knight John Freddie Deputy Grand Knight Fr. Roger Estorque Chaplain Hector Hernandez Financial Secretary Donald Lewis Treasurer Clarence Jenkins Chancellor Jack Lemp Recorder Lester Lacobie Advocate William Burling Warden Urbano Muniz Lecturer Neland Valk Trustee Kenneth Jones Trustee Ruben Ramirez Sr. Trustee Henry Brooks Guard Ron Kocab Guard

MEETING SCHEDULE Sunday: June 7th--------9:30 a.m. Regular Meeting and council Elections
Tuesday: June 9th --------7:00 p.m. Chapter Meeting Thursday: June 18th -----7:00 p.m. Planning Meeting Refreshments will be provided) SPECIAL NOTICE We will attend Mass as a group on Sunday June 7th at 8:00 a.m. please gather in the Foyer so we may process in together. Wear your Green Knights of Columbus shirt. Special Events
June 5th --Eucharistic Adoration and Pro-Life Rosary - 8:00pm
June 20th -Parish work party/Brisket Sale
June 28th Blood Drive/Paul Smith Rooster
July 4th-Koc Family picnic
Va visitation: ????
Brother Knights, please make a note of the upcoming events and make plans to participate as much as possible. Remember these fundraisers are only as successful as you.
Grand Knights Corner: My Dear brother Knights…Thank you for your support the last two years….God Bless you all ………… Greg Jaramillo G.K.
Editor’s Corner:with sincere thanks to all the brother Knights who help me at the Masses- Bill Burling
Eucharistic Adoration Remember Brother Knights we committed ourselves to the 8:00 pm to 9:00pm evening hour, come out and stay 1 hour with our Lord Jesus Christ.
License Plates: Remember From the $30 specialty plate fee, $22 goes to the Texas Education Agency State Council Charities account to make grants to carry out purposes of that organization, such as helping the poor and sick, and hungry and homeless children. New $30, Renewal $30, Replacement $5.30

Daryl Van Keulen, FICF K of C Field Agent
505 N Belt Ste 350 Houston, TX 77060 281-615-2618

“THE FUTURE; BEGINS TODAY” . Please continue to ask Catholic gentlemen to join the Knights. Council growth is an ongoing process. For more information: Bill Burling @281-838-9598 or
PROLIFE: Let us remember the Unborn by say a Hail Mary every time we buckle our seatbelts
The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Pro-Life Rosary from 8:00pm till 9:00pm during the KC hour of Adoration the first Friday of each month. The next rosary is June 5th, Please join us as we pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters in danger from abortion. Let us make a little effort to try and attend one of these dates.
Newsletter Deadline We will have the 20th of each month as the newsletter deadline so we can get the newsletter out sooner. Deadline for the newsletter is June20th if you have anything you would like add to the newsletter (thank you note, add someone to our prayer list etc.) please contact: Bill Burling 281-838-9598 or
Prayers Please pray for, The Unborn, Robert Osborne, Kenneth Mays, Mrs. Mays, Horace , Ron Kocab , Bob Roeder, Our Nation , Our troops, and All Christians who are constantly under siege throughout the world….
Keep all your Brother Knights and their family members, especially those who are sick or distressed, in your prayers. And anyone else not mentioned… may the Lord bless them and keep them…

If you have anything to add to this spot please email me.. article, prayer, picture
Etc.. send to
Schedule of Events
Every 1st Sunday of the Month Reg. Meeting 9:30 AM-11:00AM James Lewis Hall
Every 1st Sunday 8:00 AM Corporate Communion
Every 3rd Thursday Open Meeting 7:00PM-9:00PM James Lewis Hall
Every 3rd Sunday 9:00 AM-10:00AM Parish Hall
Parish Work Parties:
Every 3rd Saturday 8:00AM- till Parish Grounds (Maintenance and projects)
Every 1st Friday Pro-Life Rosary 8:00PM Church

June 20th Brisket Fund Raiser BBQ Pit
June 28th Blood Drive 8AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
June 28th Paul Smith Rooster 4PM –till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
July 4th Parish Family Picnic James Lewis and both Pavilions
Sept. 19th Fajita/Menudo Cook-Off James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Sept.27th Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
Oct. 31st Halloween Carnival James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Nov. 15th Veterans Tribute After 11:00AM Mass Church
Nov. 21st Turkey and Brisket Cook BBQ Pit
Nov. 22nd Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
Nov. 29th Paul Smith Rooster 4:00PM-till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
Dec. 12th or 19th KC Christmas Party Parish Hall
Dec.20th Breakfast with Santa Parish Hall

“Glory to God in the Highest”

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

From our district deputy: thanks Alex

Please distribute.

Also Peter has asked if you are attending the convention/going to Mass, please bring your regalia with you. We have plenty of rooms to change clothes, including the Chapter hospitality room.
Cruz R. Hinojosa, Jr. PFN
Diocesan Deputy/Chapter President
for the Knights of Columbus
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Each year the Bishop Greco, Msgr. Anton Frank, and Msgr. Wilhelm Assemblies alternate hosting the Annual Memorial Day Mass at Forest Park Lawndale and the tradition is to invite the District Sir Knights from area assemblies to participate in full regalia at the Mass and following the Mass presentation of a wreath at the graveside of a deceased Catholic veteran in the cemetery. The Msgr. George A. Wilhelm Assembly is this year's host and we would appreciate you communicating this invitation to the area Faithful Navigators at the appropriate time..

Details are as follows:

Occasion: Annual Memorial Day Mass

Location: Forest Park Lawndale Chapel
6900 Lawndale, Houston, Texas

Date: Monday, May 25, 2009

Time: Line up 8:30 am, Mass 9:00 am

Celebrant: Father Jack Whitley

Following the services there will be a brunch courtesy of the Msgr. Wilhelm Assembly at Knights of Columbus Council 3077 Hall, 420 Telephone Road.

Thank you for taking care of this for our assembly.

James Urbanovsky

From Hector: thanks....

The K of C Coushatta Casino trip is on Saturday, June 6th (meet at Church at 6:30 AM , return by 5:30PM). I still have 10 seats available, if anyone is interested. Let me know as soon as possible, we would like to have a full bus.
For those of you signed up and have not yet paid, I would like to collect the monies at this Thursday's meeting if possible.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Message from brother Donald


the KofC Mothers' Day Breakfast is on Sunday, May 10th. For the last few years we have given door prizes to the attending mothers.

I am asking anyone who would like to and could donate a Mothers' Door prize to either bring the item to this Sunday's meeting or to the breakfast.

Thank you,

Donald Lewis

May 2009 Newsletter

Knights of Columbus
St. Dominic Council # 10779 May 2009
NEWSLETTER warden: Bill Burling
COUNCIL OFFICERS : Greg Jaramillo Grand Knight John Freddie Deputy Grand Knight Fr. Roger Estorque Chaplain Hector Hernandez Financial Secretary Donald Lewis Treasurer Clarence Jenkins Chancellor Jack Lemp Recorder Lester Lacobie Advocate William Burling Warden Urbano Muniz Lecturer Neland Valk Trustee Kenneth Jones Trustee Ruben Ramirez Sr. Trustee Henry Brooks Guard Ron Kocab Guard
Event Coordinator : Bob Jurek
MEETING SCHEDULE Sunday: May 3rd--------9:30 a.m. Regular Meeting
Sunday: May 10th Mother’s day breakfast
Tuesday: May 12th --------7:00 p.m. Chapter Meeting Thursday: May 21st -----7:00 p.m. Planning Meeting Refreshments will be provided) SPECIAL NOTICE We will attend Mass as a group on Sunday May: 3rd at 8:00 a.m. please gathers in the Foyer so we may process in together. Wear your Green Knights of Columbus shirt. Special Events
May 1st --Eucharistic Adoration and Pro-Life Rosary - 8:00pm
May: 23rd -Parish work party
Va visitation: May10th-2009
Brother Knights, please make a note of the upcoming events and make plans to participate as much as possible. Remember these fundraisers are only as successful as you.
Grand Knights Corner: My Dear brother Knights…Thank you for your help this past month and every thing else you do for our council and parish. Greg Jaramillo G.K.
Editor’s Corner:with sincere thanks to all the brother Knights who help me at the Masses- Bill Burling
Eucharistic Adoration Remember Brother Knights we committed ourselves to the 8:00 pm to 9:00pm evening hour, come out and stay 1 hour with our Lord Jesus Christ.
License Plates: Remember From the $30 specialty plate fee, $22 goes to the Texas Education Agency State Council Charities account to make grants to carry out purposes of that organization, such as helping the poor and sick, and hungry and homeless children. New $30, Renewal $30, Replacement $5.30

Daryl Van Keulen, FICF K of C Field Agent 505 N Belt Ste 350 Houston, TX 77060 281-615-2618

“THE FUTURE; BEGINS TODAY” . Please continue to ask Catholic gentlemen to join the Knights. Council growth is an ongoing process. For more information: Bill Burling @281-838-9598 or
PROLIFE: Let us remember the Unborn by say a Hail Mary every time we buckle our seatbelts
The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Pro-Life Rosary from 8:00pm till 9:00pm during the KC hour of Adoration the first Friday of each month. The next rosary is May 3rd. Please join us as we pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters in danger from abortion. Let us make a little effort to try and attend one of these dates.
Newsletter Deadline We will have the 20th of each month as the newsletter deadline so we can get the newsletter out sooner. Deadline for the newsletter is May20th if you have anything you would like add to the newsletter (thank you note, add someone to our prayer list etc.) please contact: Bill Burling 281-838-9598 or
Prayers Please pray for, The Unborn, Robert Osborne, Kenneth Mays, Mrs. Mays, Horace , Ron Kocab , Bob Roeder, Our Nation , Our troops, and All Christians who are constantly under siege throughout the world….
Keep all your Brother Knights and their family members, especially those who are sick or distressed, in your prayers. And anyone else not mentioned… may the Lord bless them and keep them…

If you have anything to add to this spot please email me.. article, prayer, picture
Etc.. send to
Schedule of Events
Every 1st Sunday of the Month Reg. Meeting 9:30 AM-11:00AM James Lewis Hall
Every 1st Sunday 8:00 AM Corporate Communion
Every 3rd Thursday Open Meeting 7:00PM-9:00PM James Lewis Hall
Every 3rd Sunday 9:00 AM-10:00AM Parish Hall
Parish Work Parties:
Every 3rd Saturday 8:00AM- till Parish Grounds (Maintenance and projects)
Every 1st Friday Pro-Life Rosary 8:00PM Church
May 10th- Mother’s Day Breakfast Parish Hall
June 20th Brisket Fund Raiser BBQ Pit
June 28th Blood Drive 8AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
June 28th Paul Smith Rooster 4PM –till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
July 4th Parish Family Picnic James Lewis and both Pavilions
Sept. 19th Fajita/Menudo Cook-Off James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Sept.27th Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
Oct. 31st Halloween Carnival James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Nov. 15th Veterans Tribute After 11:00AM Mass Church
Nov. 21st Turkey and Brisket Cook BBQ Pit
Nov. 22nd Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
Nov. 29th Paul Smith Rooster 4:00PM-till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
Dec. 12th or 19th KC Christmas Party Parish Hall
Dec.20th Breakfast with Santa Parish Hall

Monday, March 30, 2009

Praise be to GOD and His Holy Name!

K of C Coushatta casino bus trip (thanks Hector)

Its that time again. I have scheduled our next K of C Coushatta Casino bus trip for Saturday, June 6th. Tickets are $10 per person. Bus is limited to 55 passengers, we
will need to have a minimum of 40 to get our deposit back. As ususal, we meet at church at 6:30AM will leave by 7AM, leave casino for return at 3 and back at church by 5:30-6PM.
Please let me know as soon as you can so that I can reserve your spot. After a couple of weeks , I plan to open the seats to parishoners, so please let me know soon.
832-641-4269 (cell)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 2009 Taco Breakfast

I tell you my coffee beats
starbucks any day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

2009 Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events
Every 1st Sunday of the Month Reg. Meeting 9:30 AM-11:00AM James Lewis Hall
Every 1st Sunday 8:00 AM Corporate Communion
Every 3rd Thursday Open Meeting 7:00PM-9:00PM James Lewis Hall
Every 3rd Sunday 9:00 AM-10:00AM Parish Hall
Parish Work Parties:
Every 3rd Saturday 8:00AM- till Parish Grounds (Maintenance and projects)
Every 1st Friday Pro-Life Rosary 8:00PM Church
March 6th Fish Fry Parish Hall
March 13th Fish Fry Parish Hall
March 20th Fish Fry Parish Hall
March27th Fish Fry Parish Hall
March 29th Paul Smith Rooster 4:00PM-till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
April 3rd Fish Fry Parish Hall
April 11th Easter Egg Hunt Church Grounds
May 10th- Mother’s Day Breakfast Parish Hall
June 20th Brisket Fund Raiser BBQ Pit
June 28th Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
June 28th Paul Smith Rooster 4:00PM –till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
July 4th Parish Family Picnic James Lewis and both Pavilions
September 19th Fajita/Menudo Cook-Off James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Sept.27th Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
October 31st Halloween Carnival James Lewis Hall and both Pavilions
Nov. 15th Veterans Tribute After 11:00AM Mass Church
November21st Turkey and Brisket Cook BBQ Pit
Nov. 22nd Blood Drive 8:00AM-1:00PM James Lewis Hall
Nov. 29th Paul Smith Rooster 4:00PM-till Parish Hall or James Lewis Hall
December 12th or 19th KC Christmas Party Parish Hall
Dec.20th Breakfast with Santa Parish Hall

Friday, March 13, 2009

February pancake breakfast

2009 Chilli Cookoff

man if they only new whats in my chilli!
cutting the onions,cutting the onions...Dee dee dee!

want something fried up?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

chili cookoff 2009

yea, I know Iam gonna win this thing!